Do you ever allow your
Kid To Design their room? I mean really allowing them to make the decisions? You finally have the budget to put together your child’s room. You have chosen the bedding, the perfect artwork and after the planning and making the purchases for your kid’s room, your child steps in to say, “no”.
I have had the opportunity to decorate hundreds of kid’s rooms. I have learned how to talk to a child about ideas for their room and helping design a room that pleases both kid and parents. Happy kids and parents are my specialty. I take pride in the final unveiling of a completed room…the ooh and ahs fuel my passions. That is until I decided to work on one of my own kid's room. It has been over ten years since this time, but important still in allowing our kids to help when designing their rooms.
Eric, my own son, decided that he was going to assert his seven year old design choices. New Years weekend, a time to clean, purge and decorate in the way this designer chooses. NOT!!!! Not on Eric’s clock. He would have nothing of it. My ideas, my collections to pull this room off meant nothing to him. What did mean something to him was his own artwork. His Lego boxes, that were carefully opened on Christmas day and littering his floor. I was ready to break the boxes down and send them to recycling. His favorite picture, which I was going to take down. What do I know? On this day absolutely nothing of what I thought I would be part of decorating Eric's room.
I sat on Eric’s floor and asked him what he would like. I apologized for thinking I could go into his room, designer mode, and redo his life. I asked the questions. He gave me the answers.
Mom: "What would you like to do with these Lego boxes?"
Eric: "Hang them up on my walls."
Mom: (with a designer cringe) "Okay, we can do that."
Mom: "What do you want to do with all your artwork?" (Piled on his desk)
Eric: "Hang it all over my bed."
I had this image of pushpins filling the walls and shreds of paper collage art everywhere. Which would not be so bad, but finding an organized solution that could easily change with each new piece of art was important to the designer.
Eric went off to have lunch with and I got to work. I promised him I would surprise him and he would love it. My own son, not allowing his designer mom to do her magic and limited. When I completed the project, Eric stepped into his room. It is the unveiling to my biggest critic. His smile was my reinstated confidence. It was good to allow this
Kid To Design.

Eric chose all his favorite art pieces from this past year. Taking two strands of thin rope (red striped) some brass screw-in hooks, and mini clothes pins, I was able to expand the rope, hanging the length of his bed. Giving him exactly what he wanted. He can now go and arrange his art as he pleases. No pushpins, tape or nails going in and out with each new favorite art piece.
It is hard to believe how careful Eric was in opening his Lego boxes. He had decided, long before my designer influences, that these would be hung on the wall. I simply slipped my hand inside each box and used a push pin to hang them. At first I was planning to frame them and make this "real art" but for a seven year old, my guess is he may want to change these out for newer boxes in the future.

This picture challenged me most. Eric wanted to keep the framed alphabet picture. This picture, at the time, was 24 years old. My first EVER designer accent in my first son's, who is now 31, nursery. I found a piece of wrapping paper for 79 cents, and then framed it in red. It has traveled through many rooms over the years, and will remain here. (Window reflecting in the picture.) Eric also wanted to keep his kindergarten "About Me" collage and told me exactly where he wanted it hung. Yes, another Lego box displayed on this wall as well.

A very Lego wall. Total boxes hung are five. Again, I am most impressed at how careful Eric opened each box. Over the years Eric has had many shelves lined with his Lego collections.He loved his new room. I think I may do a part two post which shows his teenage room. (Pretty sure that post will come).
It is important to allow your child the opportunity to help design their room. Especially if it's important to that child. I have five children. All but one really never had any problems with me going in and changing things around. I have five kids. Four of my kids do not care what I do in their rooms. I can go and change things any day of the week. Eric's room project is a good example of listening and doing what it is your child wants. It is good to allow
Kids To Design.
If you have decorated your kids room we would love to see. Be sure to find us on Instagram:
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